Thursday, August 22, 2013

Timely Alarm Clock - The best Alarm Clock App on Android

Timely Alarm Clock is one of the best alarm clock app for Android. It has amazing user experience and great features. Few of them which I like are:
1) Cloud backup so that the alarms are synced across devices, no need to confirm alarms if you change your phone or have multiple Android devices.
2) Smart Rise feature which is based on what they call advanced sleep cycle theory. A melodious sound will wake you up from light morning sleep.
3) There are a whole lot of lovely themes to choose from, if you aren't happy you can go ahead and create your own. These come in pro version though.
4) It also has a tablet version which is pretty awesome.

Here are some screenshots

Will add the tablet version screenshots very soon. Here they are now

It's definitely worth a try and I am pretty sure you won't be disappointed. Click here to check it out. Hope you like it too.